Awareness - May 31, 2023 - We Welcome

Awareness - May 31, 2023

Asylum seekers face new challenges as new asylum rules add a layer of uncertainty to their journey

Many people who were looking forward to the restored possibilities to claim asylum after the lifting of Title 42, are instead facing new uncertainties with the rules created by the Biden administration to address the end of the public health policy. The rules are causing confusion as to how they apply to each individual and insecurity about what the outcome of presenting oneself for asylum will be.

For a large number of asylum seekers, the only avenue for requesting asylum is through the CBP One app, which was created by the Department of Homeland Security for more efficient and orderly processing of asylum requests, but has faced numerous technological challenges since its launch. People from some countries are eligible for humanitarian parole through a sponsorship program, but that option is not available for many. Many migrants are living in dangerous situations on the other side of the border while they figure out what option might be available to them.

Thousands of Afghans have risked their lives to find safety in the U.S.

Since the fall of Kabul in August of 2021, thousands of Afghans who supported the U.S. in the war in Afghanistan have fled to other countries to find safety from the Taliban. Many have only been able to find temporary safety with short-term visas in other countries in the Middle East, but many have also been deported or detained. Others have also tried to travel to Europe. The United Nations reports that at least 1,250 Afghans have died seeking refuge. More than 3,600 Afghans have traveled to the U.S. through South and Central America, having to cross the extremely dangerous Darién Gap.

This journey by Afghans to the U.S. highlights two very important immigration policy issues that the country currently faces: the duty it has to protect its Afghan allies and the need for effective solutions to address the record number of people coming to the southern border. In fact, 73% of registered voters want Congress to work in a bipartisan manner toward much needed immigration and border reform. For more information and to urge Congress to take proactive, bipartisan steps to fix our broken immigration system, click here. To advocate for our Afghan allies and ask Congress to move quickly to re-introduce and pass the Afghan Adjustment Act, follow this link.


This week's news blog was written by Jen Wellman.